29 November 2011

Summer to Fall

It's a testament to how much my new job has taken over my life when the last blog entry is the 13th of July! Wow!

It's been a lovely, beautiful, crazy-busy Fall in the Sidwell home. I am teaching gifted children again and LOVE my new job even though it requires all my mental energy just to keep up! This fall, Paul and I helped host the first annual Helping Heroes Challenge - a trail run at Platte Purchase Park to benefit Wounded Warriors. Everything from building and designing the trails to course marshalling to picking up trash; we were in the thick of things and loved every minute. It was a thrilling learning experience; put 10 November 2012 on your calendar for the 2nd annual HHC!

November and December are fast-moving months with our anniversary, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all within 6 weeks of each other! We went to the Plaza III (a steakhouse on The Plaza) to celebrate our 2nd anniversary this last weekend and reflected on how grateful we are for the life we lead. 2012 looks to be a BIG year for us - lots of faith and trust and hard work are in store for our third year of marriage. The starting line is just up ahead; we're about to hit the ground running!

Happy Holiday season to all!