One of things I teach my 2nd graders is to use "I-statements". They are developmentally ready to cognitively process the idea that "I-statements" are much stronger than "You ______________." I give them this visual: when we go around, speaking to others with the "You did ________ to me!" or "You always ______________ me!", it is like taking my finger and pointing it at them. I ask them to think of their friends as mirrors. We talk about how the entire function of a mirror is simply to reflect. And when my big "you-finger" is pointing into that mirror, it is really just pointing right back at me! Instead, we practice making I-statements such as "I feel sad when you cut me in line because that is rude." or "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you 'stupid'."
These two chapters were like mirrors. Mirrors that reflected there are times when I am most definitely using my you-finger rather than my I-statement. Nothing like eating my own words, eh?!
But I'm so grateful. I'm grateful because I have a chance to change my behaviors. More than that, it is my responsibility to do so. Here's a few thoughts about Chapters Two and Three:
Truth matters. Realizing that my interpretation of truth depends on my belief about what I can control is vital. I am inevitably going to have my mom and dad's voice in my head. I am always going to remember how it felt to be a child in their home. But my responsibility is take the initiative to control myself and thus create the environment I want my children to have, not just a reincarnation of what I experienced. "The ability to manage yourself and your children towards the goals that you have in being a parent rests in the ability to tell yourself what to do and do it no matter what they've done or are doing." (p. 80) I wrote in the margins of Chapter Two, "Knowing how I want to respond and doing it are two separate entities at times!". In other words, my filter better be working at all times. Sometimes I just need to zip it and think!
My children are my garden. I have 3 goals for them:
1) to have healthy relationships;
2) to be able to set healthy limits for themselves; and
3) to value a strong connection with their parents and siblings.
Thus, I have 3 goals don't I?!
1) I will act and react in a healthy way, despite their behavior and choices.
2) I will model healthy limits for self, as well as give them healthy choices and consequences from which to choose.
3) I will highly value my connection to them physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.
The practical piece Silk recommends (and that I plan to begin to implement immediately!) is fall-back phrases; a few default responses I can use when they have hit my disrespect button or are demanding my attention by performing negatively. (And believe-you-me, I need these!) Nothings gets my blood pumping faster than disrespect.
I know.
I don't know.
Probably so.
Oh no!
No problem.
That could be.
Nice try.
I'm picturing these phrases as compost for my 'garden'. I am willing to take a risk on this fertilizer as a means for which my home will have even greater peace and joy and self-control and love. Gal 5:22, 23
This, my friend, is an example of why you and Paul are such good parents. I applaud your accomplishments AND your goals of always improving for the sake of your kids. They no doubt have and always will reap the benefits of your work and love.
Here's an "I" statement for you: I am truly grateful for your efforts in raising our three children. Your efforts will pay off unending dividends in not only the lives of our three, but in the lives of all the children you come in contact with on a daily basis. Thank you for what you do!