29 March 2011

Chocolate Mint Brownies

They're here! And they're go-ooo-oood :)

Brendan and I whipped up some Chocolate Mint Brownies for the Mint March recipe.


The recipe takes a few steps but they are not difficult by any means - good recipe for helpers too. B enjoyed retrieving the measuring cups, unwrapping chocolate, and peppermint patties, as well as smelling everything in sight ;)

Here's a few pics of how it looks, just prior to baking and just as we were about to eat a warm yummy sample!

I'm interested most to see how they taste cooled completely v. still warm and gooey.

Can't wait to hear from others participating in the Mint March cook-off!


  1. Wow sis! Those do look really good. So glad you joined in. I'm excited to post the round-up in a few days!

  2. I vote for these in cooled-off mode. So much better!
    Great job on these, T! They were deli.cio.us!
