25 June 2010

All three kids are asleep at 2:59pm.

It's quiet in the house that is decorated in moving boxes.

What's a girl to do for these few quiet moments? What else: blog! :)

Thank you God for inventing "summer"! I do so love the change in pace, schedules, and aura. I love the intense heat - not so much the humidity! I enjoy the summer book lists that seem to arise of their own accord. (I just finished "Body Surfing" by one of my favorite authors, Anita Shreve - gentle yet engaging read.) And I love the dreaming - the space with with to think that summer allows. I was mowing the lawn today and realized that one of the reasons I like physical work and fitness is because it gives me space to think. I can get completely wrapped up into that one goal and just allow my mind to flow. What pops up in my soul each time I spend time there is revelatory. I love engaging mind, body, spirit, soul in the same space.

What does that look like for you?! How do you get to the inner space where thought and movement collide in an explosion of revelation?! I'd love to hear back from you, my readers :)

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